In this unique and compelling anthology, Sebastian Faulks has collected the best fiction about war in the 20th century. Ranging from the First World War to the Gulf War, these stories depict a soldier`s experience from call-ups battle and comradship to leave, hospital and trauma in later life. Truely international in scope, this anthology includes stories by Erich Maria Remarque and Pat Barker, Issac Babel and Ernest Hemingway , Heinrich Boll and Norman Mailer, JG Ballard and Tim O`Brian Julian Barnes and Louis de Barnieres. Together they form a powerful and moving evocation of the horors of war.
Please note this copy has light creases on the spine and covers and light scuffs on the edges of the covers
ISBN: 9780099268628
Size: Paperback, 416 pages
Publisher: Vintage
Year: 1999