This heartbreaking love story is also a searing tale of terrorism and political repression in North Africa. In a desert prison camp a man is rotting, half-alive, at the bottom of a well. Andrès has been there, held in horrific conditions, for many years.
Around him other men are similarly imprisoned and guarded by a handful of soldiers. On the outskirts of the fort, Tamia, a young woman, hides behind rocks, hoping to hear news of her lover who is thought to be a prisoner.
She eventually learns that her man died months ago. That same night, she finds Andrès making his escape. She leads him to a ruined village where an old woman gives them shelter. With Tamia’s care, Andrès gradually recovers, and a strong bond grows between them. Later, the couple have an affair and take refuge in the city with Tamia’s family. Andrès’ terrorist past comes to light while Tamia discovers the unbelievable truth about her dead lover.
Please note this copy has some light scuffs on the edges of the covers
ISBN: 9780099484974
Size: Paperback, 144 pages
Publisher: Random House UK
Published: 2004